Advanced Digital Media Seminar – Fall 2016
Co-taught with Shelby Doyle
Disrupt/Displace is a response to Venice Biennale curator, Alejandro Aravena’s request to ‘Report from the Front’: it is simultaneously a critique, performance, and proposal in four parts:
PART 1 Searching for the Front (Ames, Iowa)
PART 2 Constructing the Front (Ames, Iowa)
PART 3 Reporting the Front (Venice, Italy)
PART 4 Colloquium and Conclusions (Venice, Italy)
Fabrication, exhibition, and performance were presented as methods for positioning the Dakota Access Pipeline as an architectural, social, and political issue with extensive spatial ramifications.
Fifty students constructed a grid in Iowa, packed it into 30 carry-on suitcases and reconstructed it in Venice where they performed and presented their ‘Report’ on #NoDAPL to the public and an audience of visiting academics and practitioners.
JAE Article HERE